Transportation Department

School Bus

Michelle Hulme
Transportation Supervisor

Gwendolyn DeBlois
Transportation Dispatcher

Need a Bus Stop?

School bus safety starts at the bus stop. 🚌 πŸ›‘ - Please share these tips with your children:

⌚ Arrive at the bus stop ten minutes early.
🚏 Stand five giant steps away from the curb.
🚌 Wait until the bus stops, the door opens, and the driver says it’s okay before stepping onto the bus.
πŸ‘οΈ Be sure the bus driver can always see you, and you can see the bus driver.

School Bus Drivers 🚌: The greatest risk to a child isn’t riding a school bus, but approaching or leaving one. Stay alert. Stay engaged. Keep them safe.

🟑 Yellow lights 🟑 on a school bus indicate the bus is preparing to stop. πŸ›‘ If you’re driving, slow down, stay alert, and watch out for children. πŸ§’ πŸ§’

See the school bus stop-arm? Time to STOP. πŸ›‘ Racing past the arm puts young lives in jeopardy.

School is in session! 🏫 That means more children are outside waiting for the bus during certain hours. Slow down and watch for children playing and gathering near the bus stop. 🚌

Bus Route 2024 - 2025

Additional Information

Students should be at their assigned stops at least ten minutes early. AM/PM Bus Information is now available in Aspen in the "Transportation/Parking" tab.

This means stop

Our Mission is to provide the safest and most efficient means of transportation for the schoolchildren of North Kingstown School Department