Chromebook Insurance
The Chromebook Open Enrollment Period is now open and will close on September 30, 2021.

Chromebook Insurance is Optional and renewable yearly.
If you have a new student in the district and are concerned that you have missed the enrollment period, then there is no need for concern. New students may enroll immediately.
The North Kingstown School Department will once again be offering Chromebook Insurance to any student who is issued a take-home Chromebook (Grades 4-12).
The cost of the insurance is $25 and it covers accidental damage and theft of the Chromebook.
Peripherals such as A/C adapters are not covered by this insurance.
In order for a Chromebook to be considered stolen, a police report must be submitted with the claim. Submitting a claim is a simple process. The student will follow the protocol that has been established by the school they attend if they believe there is an issue with their Chromebook. The school will notify the IT Department and we will complete the repair.
If the device is insured, there is no cost to the family.
Chromebook insurance is only available for purchase until October 14th. The insurance will remain in effect for the 2022/2023 school year. Insurance must be renewed each year for each student.
How to Obtain Insurance

To purchase insurance online and pay with a credit card, please go to and either log in to your account (you can use the same username and password as you do for lunch payments) or register for an account (here is the link to register for an account, Once you are logged into please make sure you click on school store to purchase insurance. If you need assistance with registering for an account please contact myschoolbucks directly by calling 1-855-832-5226.
To purchase Chromebook Insurance with a check, please make the check payable to North Kingstown School Department and include your child's name on the memo line. The check can be mailed directly to our office at the following address:
NKSD Information Technology
120 Fairway Drive
North Kingstown RI, 02852