School History

An Introduction to Stony Lane
Welcome to Stony Lane School!
Our school mascot is the whale and our colors are blue and white.
Stony Lane School opened in 1971. The building is open concept in design. The open design allows for flexible use of space, furniture and equipment to accommodate different learning situations and needs. Brand new movable partitions can accommodate small group or large group instruction, and also provide secluded study areas.
In 1996 an extensive addition allowed for a new grade 1 area, gymnasium, art and music rooms and small group rooms. The completed building can comfortably accommodate 21 classes. Our enrollment this year is 363 students and next year we plan for 19 classes.
NK is a 1:1 district with Chromebooks in grades 1-5 and nearly 1:1 touch screen devices in Kindergarten. Each classroom is equipped with Interactive Board Technology. All classrooms have access to computers linked to the Internet. We continue to learn and have staff leaders in our technology initiative. Grades 4 and 5 students are able to take their Chromebooks home. Additionally there are loaner Chromebooks available for grades 4 and 5.
There is an extensive nature trail beyond the tree line at the rear of the school property. There are also children’s gardens and an outside classroom located at the right side of the building. It is ever expanding with new crops, a full protective fence and large gate. The updated dedicated playground was installed in 2014 by parents, teachers and community members, in honor of the late Pamela J. Lemoi, our beloved kindergarten teacher. An enormous thank you to all the families that help make this happen for us to provide this real world instruction for our students.
Our Literacy Coach and part time interventionist work with teachers and students in grades Kinder through five. We participate in The NK Town Library Reading Challenge, Heggerty (K&1), Fundations Reading Program Grade K-3, (Phonics), Wit & Wisdom (K-5), Bridges Number Corner (K-5), GemsNet Science and other state and national programs.
There is an active PTO and parent volunteer (LINKS) program. Parents assist students in the library, with reading, handwriting and other academic activities. Parents may be guest speakers, assist with special events, assist teachers with projects and volunteer for PTO sponsored events. The PTO sponsors a Cultural Arts Program as well as many other school activities and programs. The PTO will notify you of its meetings.
Stony Lane also participates in special events and programs which may interest your child. There is a before/after school "Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds" program coordinated by parents, which is held at times throughout the school year.
Each morning two students announce birthdays, special activities and the month’s song. Every class has a turn, beginning in September with fifth graders. If your child has received a special award or accomplishment outside of school, please send in a brief note and we will announce it during this time.