Summer Reading! 2022

Dear Families,
We are proud of all the hard work and the progress your child has made throughout this school year. Just like with learning any skill, continued practice is always needed. So, the Family Center has generously given to each student this “Learning is EVERYWHERE” backpack which includes books, flashcards and a daily activities book to strengthen their reading and math skills over the summer.
Daily practice with these fun and engaging materials will surely do the trick. You will find an activities workbook and reading books to enjoy. Students can choose which pages they would like to complete and if at least 40 pages are done, they will celebrate with a Pizza Party lunch and games this coming fall. All the other students who chose to do their best and be ready for the start of school in September will get to join in on the food and fun.
The deadline for handing in the activity book is the first week of school to your next classroom teacher. All other books and flashcards are for your child to keep.
Enjoy your summer,
Amy Bernardo -
Dina Santos -
Kim Johnson -