School Supply List 2023-2024
1 folder sized backpack
Plastic, hard case pencil box (Please no soft or zippered cases)
#2 pencils
box of 24 crayons
large sized glue stick
1 package of large washable markers
THIN BLACK dry-erase markers
Child scissors
Everything should be clearly labeled with your child’s name.
Grade 1
1 box of pencils
1 box of crayons
Thin black dry erase markers
glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
1 package of erasers
Everything should be clearly labeled with your child’s name.
Anything brought that is extra or unnecessary will be sent home.
Grade 2
1 box of pencils
1 box of crayons
Thin black dry erase markers
glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
1 package of erasers
Everything should be clearly labeled with your child’s name.
Anything brought that is extra or unnecessary will be sent home.
Grade 3
1 Pencil bag or box
1 box 24 Crayons
1 box colored pencils
#2 Pencils
Glue sticks
1 2 pocket folder
2 1-inch three ring binders
5 dry erase markers
1 highlighter
1 pair of Scissors
1 package of wide ruled filler paper
Everything should be clearly labeled with your child’s name.
Anything brought that is extra or unnecessary will be sent home.
Grade 4
Pencil box
One (1) box colored pencils
One (1) box 24 crayons
One (1) box #2 pencils
Glue sticks
Five (5) THIN, black dry erase markers
Whiteboard eraser
One (1) highlighter
One (1) 5-subject notebook
Two (2) any color notebooks (one subject)
2 folders (for homework)
Everything should be clearly labeled with your child’s name
Anything brought that is extra or unnecessary will be sent home
Grade 5
One (1) pencil bag
One (1) box colored pencils
One (1) box #2 pencils
Glue sticks
Five (5) THIN, black dry erase markers
Whiteboard eraser
One (1) highlighter
One (1) pair of scissors
Five (5) two-pocket folders [blue, red, yellow, green, and purple if possible]
One (1) blue notebook [two subject]
One (1) yellow notebook [two subject]
One (1) green notebook [three subject]
One (1) red notebook [two subject]
Everything should be clearly labeled with your child’s name
Anything brought that is extra or unnecessary will be sent home